Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Show and Tell

 "Show and Tell"

Growing up as a child, there is no greater joy than Fridays or other days when you can bring a toy for "show and tell". "Let's see for the letter 'A', how about a stuffed toy Alligator? ... For the letter 'M' how about 'Marshmallows?' "Yes that is great!",  I can hear some of you saying. Those were the good old days when as children we experienced the joy and pleasure of 'show and tell'. "Question: Having outgrown your childhood, do you still experience the thrills and joys of 'Show and Tell'? Answer: You can every single day."

One of the greatest means of spiritual growth that God has given us as a gift is in helping others discover and experience the joy and thrill of following Jesus. There is bar none, no greater joy in your life than being able to "show and tell" the good news of the Gospel of Christ with people who are in desperate need of hearing good news. As followers of the Risen Christ, we have a great opportunity to join God in showing and telling others that Jesus is Lord of all. 

I still remember when as a younger man (I'm still young for the record), someone came to show and tell the Good News of Jesus Christ with me when I was sixteen years of age. It's true, at sixteen years of age, unless you already know and love Christ, or you are the product of a Christian education or Christian home, you are going to be "crazy, curious, and willing to experiment anything". Right? "Well, almost", I can hear you saying. 

My problem was not drugs, sex, or money. While not the product of a Christian eduction from K-12, I did learn some values, morals, and principles from a Godly mother that helped me to say no to "drugs, illicit sex, and a wasted life." However, I was just as lost as anyone else could be without Christ and the Gospel. I felt empty, hopeless, and with a big void in my life.

But God had faithful friends named Will Sutton, Ricardo Lopez, and John Carter, who believed it is always the right time to "Show and Tell" the Gospel. I'm so glad they did! While time, place, and occasion are all important factors to consider (How many of us would yell out in a grocery line, "Accept Jesus people. It's your best move!?"), it is always the right time to "show and tell" the story of redemption and the Good news of the Gospel. At sixteen, I was blown away to hear that God loved someone like me. Before then, I had been living for nothing; since then I have been living for something. Before then, I had been living for no one; since then, I have been living for Someone. 
 I gladly accepted the Gospel invitation to belong to Christ and follow Him. 

Looking back, it is the best decision "I have ever made". "Thank you!" to those who left comfort, stability, luxury, family, and friends to "show and tell" the great things that God had done for them through the Gospel. Thank you Will Sutton (where is he these days by the way? Only God knows!), Pastor Ricardo Lopez (for translating into Spanish and inviting me to Amazing Discoveries with the Carter Report), and to John Carter for presenting the Gospel so clearly that even as a crazy sixteen year old, I was able to hear the Gospel for the very first time. Thank you to those who also have shared the Gospel with someone else in some way, shape, or form. Words are not enough to express our gratitude.

 Well, it's now time to return the favor. It's time to "Show and Tell" the Gospel with others. The Gospel is the best news in the whole entire world, and God is looking for friends and followers who will take their Bibles in hand and heart, and with the assurance of prayer and the accompanying presence of the Holy Spirit, Go and "tell the world" that Christ loves them and is coming back soon to take them to Heaven! Will you be Christ's friend and follower who "Shows and Tells" the Gospel to someone in your life today? I hope you do!

~ Sal Garcia

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