Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's time for a Reformation and Revival in My life

Who is Cristian Silva? 

I love honesty and transparency. I hate falsehoods and false appearances. Recently I found the following report regarding a "false teacher" who teaches beliefs that contrary to the Bible. Judge for yourself. As I was searching and investigating, I found a helpful article by a Seventh-day Adventist Theologian Dr. Alberto R. Treiyer from Argentina. He has been writing on a scholarly level for 30 years, with multiple research papers. This helpful synopsis is regarding the life, history, and teachings of Cristian Silva, a false teacher from Riverside California. While it is in spanish, I judge you will find it helpful. For the full article, go to, and click "Un Ataque a la Doctrina Adventista de la Trinidad." Blessings in your search and love of Truth! Never sell it at any cost!

2. La Apostasia Alfa y Omega. El Alfa ya es Historia. La Omega... Está Viva y en su Apogeo.
Cristian Silva, 2008 (100 pgs).
Cristian Silva es hijo de quien fuera nuestro amigo y pastor Agustín Silva. Agustín fue colportor,
director de colportaje, luego pastor desde donde estuvo cursando sus estudios en teología durante los
veranos. Recuerdo cuando Agustín me contó cierta vez, en Uruguay, con indignación, cómo el diablo
se le había manifestado a sus hijitos asustándolos, y no a él mismo, luego que una persona espiritista
había venido cierta vez a visitarlos. Y aunque se fue, los espíritus aprovecharon para hacerse sentir.
En la introducción de su escrito, Cristian declara que es tercera generación de adventistas, y admira
la devoción de su padre a la Iglesia Adventista a la que sirvió, lo que fue todo un ejemplo para él.
Admira también a su madre y a sus hermanos Vivian y Cintia. Está casado con su esposa Leslie, y
tiene dos hijos, Angelina y Brian. Actualmente viven en California, Estados Unidos (no es pastor, y
hasta el momento no sé cuál es su oficio).
A diferencia del estudio anterior, este otro trabajo es explosivo. No parte del deseo de conocer a
Dios, sino de denunciar la apostasía de la Iglesia Adventista que se manifiesta, según su tesis, en haber
adulterado la verdad sobre la naturaleza de Dios. La Iglesia Adventista, según él, está viviendo en
medio de la apostasía Omega con la aceptación de la doctrina de la Trinidad que presume ser pagana y
católica. Mientras que el estudio de Daniel Bernhardt usa expresiones más prudentes, lo que hace
Cristian es asumir posiciones más arriesgadas que delatan una ignorancia mayor. Por ejemplo, tanto se
esfuerza por condenar a la Iglesia Adventista por asumir la Trinidad con el concepto de tres en uno y
uno en tres (según la interpretación que algunos tienen de la Trinidad), que parece después tratar de no
caer en lo mismo que critica, al decir que el Padre y el Hijo son “dos dioses”. Así pareciera querer
evitar la crítica de reemplazar la Trinidad por una especie de binitarianismo que hable de dos en uno, y
uno en dos. Pero eso es un disparate y revela su ignorancia más que ninguna otra cosa, porque lo hace,
en realidad, politeísta, algo que no parece reflejarse en el resto de su estudio.
También se nota en Cristian una falta de conocimiento de las lenguas bíblicas, y aun del inglés en
relación con ciertas traducciones o declaraciones del Espíritu de Profecía. Aún así, se nota cierto
esfuerzo en Cristian por documentar los presuntos cambios que pretende haber hecho nuestra iglesia
con el correr de los años. Es una lástima que haya también partido mal, y errado el blanco. No parece
creer, como lo veremos en su momento, que Dios guía a su iglesia, su remanente final, en la
comprensión de ciertas verdades que no se habían definido suficientemente bien al principio. Se
esfuerza en probar, por el contrario, que la Iglesia Adventista se apartó y debe volverse a su creencia
original. Y cuando los pastores reaccionan, así como la Iglesia organizada contra ellos, por esas ideas
que quieren infiltrar, lo presentan como prueba de que estamos viviendo en medio del zarandeo final.
Esto no es nuevo, sino una característica que han asumido siempre los movimientos cerrados que
atacaron a nuestra iglesia a lo largo de los años. Pienso que sería de mayor provecho para ellos si se
preocupasen de juntar las citas de E. de White que advierten contra la actitud de oposición abierta que
han emprendido ellos contra el último remanente.
Otros argumentos de la patrística y aún de la Biblia que esgrime Cristian me parecen tomados
prestados más bien de los Testigos de Jehová o de otros movimientos antitrinitarios como los
Apostólicos que creen que Jesús es el Padre y el Espíritu Santo (no tres personas). Aunque tanto
Cristian como Daniel no niegan que el Padre y el Hijo sean dos personas diferentes, mucho de lo que
encuentran en esos movimientos antitrinitarios parece servirles. ¡Ojalá Dios toque su corazón, y de los
demás a quienes están descarriando, para que no sean tan presumidos de creer que nuestra iglesia no
llegó en su comprensión de la Trinidad hasta donde está hoy, sin haber sopesado bien los diferentes
argumentos bíblicos y del Espíritu de Profecía sobre el tema. Creemos que en la Deidad participan tres
personas coeternas e iguales en naturaleza, esencia y sustancia, aunque diferentes en funciones y
Cristian ha preparado una carta tipo, además, en donde deja espacios en blanco para que los
miembros de la Iglesia Adventista que adoptan su credo, pidan ser desfraternizados de la iglesia como
una “decisión firme, indiscutible e irrevocable”. Cree que la Iglesia Adventista ha pasado a formar
parte de la Gran Babilonia, y que su movimiento naciente está destinado a ser el remanente del
remanente. Por eso insta a irse de la Iglesia Adventista. No capta que en la Biblia y en los escritos del
Espíritu de Profecía, no hay un remanente de un remanente. Hay un solo remanente, que guarda los
mandamientos de Dios y tiene el Espíritu de Profecía (Apoc 12:17).
También invita en esa carta de desfraternización a venir a estudiar sus presuntos descubrimientos en
la dirección del hermano que asume su liderazgo.


So what thinkest thou? ... How should we respond to such allegations and false assertions? First, let us pray for people life Cristian Silva and others who deny and reject the Doctrine of the Trinity. Second, let us study the subject for ourselves to be informed about our faith. Third, let us arm ourselves of God's Word to defend the Bible's teachings no matter how difficult they may appear to be. Let us follow these steps and God will help us to grow in the truth.

Be Blessed!

~ Pastor Salvador Garcia

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jesuits in the Church #2: Is Reverend B.T. Rice a Seventh-day Adventist?

Jesuits in the Church #2: Is Reverend B.T. Rice a Seventh-day Adventist?

Jesuits? Really? Evaluating Pr. Juan Rivera's Second Accusation and Piece of Evidence - Part 2

I'll be honest! I prefer to spend my time reading, meditating, studying, and teaching the Bible to others. I really do not enjoy spending my time looking into conspiracy theories that are not based on "truth." After all, Jesus Himself said,

"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth." John 17:17

Truth is never discovered by studying the counterfeit or deception. Truth is discovered by studying God's Word which is God's Truth. However, sometimes we must look at the Counterfeit and deception in order to warn others and correct false assertions and mistakes attributed falsely to God's Remnant Church of Bible prophecy (Revelation 12).

In continuing our discussion on "Jesuits in the Church", today's blog looks at Pr. Juan Rivera's (the Associate Church Pastor of El Evangelio Eterno in Glendale, CA) charge against the Seventh-day Adventist Church that church leaders have joined the papacy and roman catholic church by joining hands (literally) with the Pope, and calling him "Your Holiness".  Let's first look at the video footage Pr. Juan Rivera shares in the video "The Jesuits in the Seventh-day Adventist Church." Here it is as shown at El Evangelio Eterno, and on You Tube:

This Pastor, who is called Reverend in some videos, is also the same minister in the following video. Please not how he violating his ministerial ethics by mixing politics and religion, and by using his position as pastor to rally people to vote for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. See it for yourself:

This man, who may or may not be a Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor (there is some confusion about his true identity on several credible websites) is obviously not worried about mixing church and state or religion and politics. If he is or was a Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor, "SHAME ON HIM!" ... Some websites say he is a church pastor from a a church in St. Louis, Missouri. Several websites and search engines list him as a pastor of a church callled "NEW HORIZON SEVEN DAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH". Also, his facebook page lists him as the pastor of that particular church, and not a SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH.

New Horizon Seven Day Christain Church

Basic Information

Tues:6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Sat:10:30 am-12:30 pm
Here in New Horizon we welcome all kinds so come on down and worship with New Horizon and hear the sermon of a lifetime from Pastor B.T. Rice.
General Information



His name is Booker T. Rice, and for all that we know, he is the current pastor of a church called NEW HORIZON SEVEN DAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH, and not affiliated or a part of the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. Pastor B.T. Rice is the pastor of a church called New Horizon Seven Day Christian Church, located at 206 Emerling Drive, St. Louis, MO 63121 (Cool Valley). He goes by the name of Reverend, which no Seventh-day Adventist Minister would ever take. There is a Seventh-day Adventist Church in St. Louis, MO called New Horizons Seventh-day Adventist Church which is located at 5925 S Woodcliffe Dr., Springfield, MO 65804. The Current Church Pastor is Mark Welch, a Lay Pastor.

Notice that one pastor is African American, and the other a Caucasion. Therefore, as best as we can judge and observe, Pastor Booker T. Rice is not a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor. He may have been in the past, but is not currently. He takes the name and title of Reverend, which is both anti-Bible and Anti-Seventh-day Adventist belief and practice. As such, we cannot accept Pastor Juan Rivera's assertion that the video showing Reverend B.T. Rice calling the Pope, "Your Holiness", represents the Seventh-day Adventist Church and a compromise in paying homage the the church of Rome. At best, if B.T. Rice was a Seventh-day Adventist pastor at the time of the assertion and statement, He would have been guilty of blasphemy and in need of public repentance. He would be one man mistating what the world church believes and practices. Yet the evidence conclusively shows that B.T. Rice is NOT A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST MINISTER. Therefore, this piece of evidence is unwarrented and the claim that the Jesuits and Roman Catholic Church have infiltrated the Seventh-day Adventist Church is found WANTING!

Let us study our Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and avail ourselved of the Present Truth for this time. Let us not put or confidence in Independant Ministries or in a Man here or a Woman there. God is indeed guiding not strayed branches or ex-church pastors, but a body of believers known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Study and Press on!

~ Elder Salvador Garcia

Monday, August 8, 2011

Have Jesuits infiltrated the Seventh-day Adventist Church? ... It's Your Decision ...

Surprise! ... Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. The picture is in fact Dr. Samuele Bacchioocchi, ex-professor of Church history at Andrews University, who died about 2 years ago. Some "concerned brethren" have questioned whether Dr. Bacchiocchi was in fact a "Jesuit" who infiltrated the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and if in fact this picture proves it. It would be in their eyes, "the icing on the cake". What thinkest thou? ... What do you think? ... Can a picture speak a thousand words? Or, can we be reading too much into a photograph that may have been taken in jesting and jokingly manner? You be the judge? Below you will find the actual words of Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi in response to the allegation, "You are a Jesuit who is paid by the Vatican. Right?" ... You be the judge! 



"Bacchiocchi is not a loyal Adventist, but a “Jesuit Spy” because he studied
at a prestigious Jesuit University in Rome, called the Pontifical Gregorian
University. The fact that he received a gold medal donated by Pope Paul
VI for earning summa cum laude in his school work and dissertation From
Sabbath to Sunday, proves that he is promoting Sunday as the biblical
Sabbath. He would have never received a gold medal for promoting the
biblical Sabbath.


"This is a common allegation that I have faced countless times in different places.
My detractors ignore that Jesuit Universities are scattered in many countries. In
the USA alone there are 28 Jesuit colleges and universities and two theological
centers. See the listing at:

Bacchiocchi Responds to False Allegations - Part 1

"Scores of Adventists have earned and are earning degrees at Jesuit Universities,
simply because they offer excellent programs and outstanding teaching. It is very
difficult for any Adventist professor to compete with a Jesuit professor, simply
because the latter has no wife and children to worry about. They devote themselves
exclusively to what they call “the apostolate of research.”

"Adventists who earn degrees at Jesuit Universities, very seldom are accused of
becoming Jesuit spies. The reason is that sitting in a class taught by a Jesuit
professor, sometimes it can be less risky than sitting in a class taught by a liberal
Adventist. Why? Because most Jesuits are brilliant thinkers, who often take issue
with the theological teachings of their Catholic Church. I have sat in classes at
the Gregoriana where my professors openly challenged such dogmas as papal

"Contrary to what some Adventists think, the Jesuit order today is NOT a monolithic
organization totally committed to defend Catholic teachings and to infiltrate in
other churches. The fact is that during the course of its history, the Jesuit order
was shut down several times because of insubordination to the Pope. Even in 1981
John Paul II temporarily asserted greater control over the order by appointing
a conservative theologian to oversee it, rather than allowing the Jesuits to elect
their own leader.

"During his tenure as Director of The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) influenced John Paul II to
press charges against such Jesuit theologians as Edward Schillebeeckx of Holland,
Jack Pohier of France, Bernard Hasler of Switzerland.
Hans Kung was
stripped of his post as teacher of Catholic theology at the University of Tubingen
for questioning papal infallibility. Prof. Charles Curran was suspended from
his teaching post at the Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C., for
advocating that sterilization and contraception were not always wrong. Jesuit
priest Terrance Sweeney was forced to resign from his order, because he refused
to destroy the results of a survey of American Bishops about celibacy and the
ordination of women. A quarter of those surveyed reportedly approved optional
celibacy. These examples show that often Jesuits represent a dissenting voice
within the Catholic church.

"Attending a class taught by an open-minded Jesuit, often can be a refreshing
and enlightening experience. Personally I learned that the challenges facing
the Catholic Church today are far greater than the problems experienced by our
Adventist church.

Bacchiocchi Responds to False Allegations - Part 1

"Have Jesuits Infiltrated the Adventist Church?

"The notion that Jesuits have or are infiltrated in the Advestist Church today, is
hard for me to believe for three reasons.

"First, during the five years I spent at the Gregoriana, no professor or administrator
ever approached me to se if I would consider serving as a Jesuit agent in the
Adventist church. The mission of the Jesuits today is to promote scholarship, not
to infiltrate in other churches.

"Second, the Jesuits have the hands full in coping with theological and practical
problems facing their own Catholic Church. In Western Countries, less than 10%
of Catholic go to church. This tragic situation led Benedict XVI to exclaim two
years ago at the Youth Congress in Koln, Germany: “The Catholic Church is dead.
You are the new apostles called to plant the seeds of the Gospel.” When one’s
house is on fire, there is no time set fire to another house.

"Third, contrary to what some Adventists may think, comparatively speaking the
Adventist church poses no significant threat to the Catholic Church. Our Adventist
church grows at the rate of about a million members a year. By contrast,
Pentecostal churches grow at the rather of 20 million new members a year, that is,
20 times faster than our church. Within 10 years three quarters of a billion people
will swell its ranks of Pentecostal/Charismatic churches. This represents the most
far-reaching renewal movement in the history of the Christian Church, second
only in numbers to the Catholic Church. The Vatican is far more concerned about
the Pentecostal inroad into Catholic countries, than about Adventists.

"Our Adventist membership in Western Europe is stagnant, and in most instances
declining. In my homeland, Italy, for example, we had about 5000 Italian members
30 years ago when I left and almost the same number today. The only growth
has been generated by the immigration to Italy of Filipinos. Romanian, Hispanic,
an Ghanian. It is evident that Italian Adventist pose no significant threat to the
Catholic Church, because our presence in the country is hardly noticeable. I estimate
that 99% of the Italians do not even know that we exist. Thus, Jesuits have
no reasons to invest their time and energy to infiltrate the Adventist church that
poses no significant threat to the Catholic Church.."



THOSE ARE BACCHIOCCHI'S OWN WORDS IN HIS DEFENSE. Ex-Seventh day Adventist Pastors like Juan Rivera from El Evangelio Eterno (Glendale, CA) would seek to convince a non-perceptive Seventh-day Adventist Christian to believe that the Roman Catholic Church and Jesuits have infiltrated the Seventh-day Adventist Church. What does the evidence say? Is it just a picture? What are the fruits and teachings of alleged Jesuits in the church? Let the evidence speak for itself! ...


Elder Salvador A. Garcia
Associate Church Pastor
Hollywood Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church

Monday, August 1, 2011

Your faith and spiritual heritage: An Advantage or Disadvantage? A Blessing or a Curse?

The Devil exists. He is a powerful being. God exists. He is greater and more powerful that the Devil. Why is it so hard to do the right thing in our life? Why is it so easy to the the wrong thing in our life? ... The answer: There is a great cosmic struggle going on in our world, and in each of our lives. The Bible calls it the Great War in Heaven. You can read about it in Revelation chapter 12. This chapter includes somethings about the spiritual heritage of God's true church and followers throughout the ages. Spiritual heritage. Two words, that can seem a blessing to some, and a curse to others. Could it be that in the end, your spiritual heritage can be a blessing and an advantage instead of a curse? ... Read on!

As one ponders over their spiritual and religious heritage, the question naturally arises, "Is my spiritual and religious heritage an advantage or a disadvantage?" Or quite simply put, "Is my spiritual ancestry and heritage a burden or a blessing?" With questions like, "Why is the Bible, church, and/or Jesus so boring?", "When can I finally stop attending church so that I can go and party with my friends?", and others, one wonders whether there is any benefit or advantage to being a Christian and knowing about God's Commands. The answer, may surprise you ...

See: Revelation 12:17; 14:12

 Next Blog: Christian Idolatry and The Seventh-day Sabbath

While Daniel Garcia was on the pitch, He dominated Lighthouse Christian Academy

Reigning Omega League MVP, Daniel Garcia (MF #11), dominated, destroyed, and nearly obliterated Lighthouse Christian School. Leonel Messi...