Monday, December 17, 2012

Local Prayer Vigil for Family and Victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

When: Wednesday December 19, 2012
Time: 7:30 - 8:30pm
Location: Culver City Spanish 7th Day Adventist Church
Address: 5320 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 

All are welcome! ... Let us come together to pray for healing, comfort, and encouragement!

Monday, December 3, 2012

What's Controversional about Standing up for Truth?








What do all of the following words have in common? They have been used recently by the mainstream media ( to describe the moral beliefs of a new Christian convert who has taken a stand for truth. So what is so "Controversial" about standing up for something these days? Isn't it wise to stand up for something in our life? Or should be just blend in with society and adopt those values and morals that go with the times? 

For instance, the New Bible of Psychology is no longer classifying certain "Temper Trantrums" as Bi-Polar, etc., nor is it including Homosexuality as a disorder as it had in the past. Times change, and so every field of study must keep up with the times or be left in the sphere of irrelevance. But what about truth and faith? Aren't they something that is worth standing up for, or are they merely miniscule ancient creeds that need to be eroded and buried in ancient catacombs and graves of non-importance? The truth could indeed be closer that we imagine.

Unless, we stand for something, we run the risk of falling for everything . If we allow society to dictate our views, we may end up espousing loose moral values, being Sexually promiscuous, Dishonest, implementing Situation Ethics Machiavellianism (the end justifies the means), adopting Religious Plurality and Universalism.

Truth exists, and it must be bought and never sold at any cost
. So my question is, "What do you believe to be truth that you are willing to stand up for?" Is there any Truth that you are willing to die for?" ... In our personal, organizational, and societal efforts to be relevant, we run the risk of abandoning truths, both moral and religious, and may end up actually becoming 'INSIGNIFICANT" and "IRRELEVANT".

People today are searching for truth, purpose, and meaning. While America may not be religious, it is definitely spiritual. People are searching for God and for truth. Someone who stands and believes in something greater than themselves is more likely to live with more purpose, meaning, and significance, than one who doesn't.  

There are three things we can be sure of in in our lives:  Number one, God exists. Number two, "I'm not god". Number three, "Your not god either".  

So let's go in search of truth even if it means being labeled controversial. Let's stand and live for something. Let's find something that we are willing to defend as truth, and even die for if necessary. After all, MLK Jr. once said, "You have not yet learned to live, until you've found something that you are willing to die for!" Let's examine everything that seems suspect and counterfeit, and let's buy, love,and share the truth. Buy the truth at any cost. Love truth more than life itself. Share the truth at every opportunity. Live your life with a purpose and mission. Today can be that day for both you and me.

~ Sal Garcia

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Show and Tell

 "Show and Tell"

Growing up as a child, there is no greater joy than Fridays or other days when you can bring a toy for "show and tell". "Let's see for the letter 'A', how about a stuffed toy Alligator? ... For the letter 'M' how about 'Marshmallows?' "Yes that is great!",  I can hear some of you saying. Those were the good old days when as children we experienced the joy and pleasure of 'show and tell'. "Question: Having outgrown your childhood, do you still experience the thrills and joys of 'Show and Tell'? Answer: You can every single day."

One of the greatest means of spiritual growth that God has given us as a gift is in helping others discover and experience the joy and thrill of following Jesus. There is bar none, no greater joy in your life than being able to "show and tell" the good news of the Gospel of Christ with people who are in desperate need of hearing good news. As followers of the Risen Christ, we have a great opportunity to join God in showing and telling others that Jesus is Lord of all. 

I still remember when as a younger man (I'm still young for the record), someone came to show and tell the Good News of Jesus Christ with me when I was sixteen years of age. It's true, at sixteen years of age, unless you already know and love Christ, or you are the product of a Christian education or Christian home, you are going to be "crazy, curious, and willing to experiment anything". Right? "Well, almost", I can hear you saying. 

My problem was not drugs, sex, or money. While not the product of a Christian eduction from K-12, I did learn some values, morals, and principles from a Godly mother that helped me to say no to "drugs, illicit sex, and a wasted life." However, I was just as lost as anyone else could be without Christ and the Gospel. I felt empty, hopeless, and with a big void in my life.

But God had faithful friends named Will Sutton, Ricardo Lopez, and John Carter, who believed it is always the right time to "Show and Tell" the Gospel. I'm so glad they did! While time, place, and occasion are all important factors to consider (How many of us would yell out in a grocery line, "Accept Jesus people. It's your best move!?"), it is always the right time to "show and tell" the story of redemption and the Good news of the Gospel. At sixteen, I was blown away to hear that God loved someone like me. Before then, I had been living for nothing; since then I have been living for something. Before then, I had been living for no one; since then, I have been living for Someone. 
 I gladly accepted the Gospel invitation to belong to Christ and follow Him. 

Looking back, it is the best decision "I have ever made". "Thank you!" to those who left comfort, stability, luxury, family, and friends to "show and tell" the great things that God had done for them through the Gospel. Thank you Will Sutton (where is he these days by the way? Only God knows!), Pastor Ricardo Lopez (for translating into Spanish and inviting me to Amazing Discoveries with the Carter Report), and to John Carter for presenting the Gospel so clearly that even as a crazy sixteen year old, I was able to hear the Gospel for the very first time. Thank you to those who also have shared the Gospel with someone else in some way, shape, or form. Words are not enough to express our gratitude.

 Well, it's now time to return the favor. It's time to "Show and Tell" the Gospel with others. The Gospel is the best news in the whole entire world, and God is looking for friends and followers who will take their Bibles in hand and heart, and with the assurance of prayer and the accompanying presence of the Holy Spirit, Go and "tell the world" that Christ loves them and is coming back soon to take them to Heaven! Will you be Christ's friend and follower who "Shows and Tells" the Gospel to someone in your life today? I hope you do!

~ Sal Garcia

Monday, November 5, 2012

It's Voting Time: Exercise your right to ... Live Forever

You know it is in you. It just seems right. In fact, when you visit a friend in the hospital or attend a funeral, you know something just doesn't seem right. Death rightly seems like in a invader and alien in our human experience. Why? Simply because we were meant to live forever.

Eternity has been placed in our heart and human experience from the very start of our lives. While any kind of death is sad to experience, perhaps the saddest form of death is not being prepared for eternity. That is, being ready to live "forever".

The greatest book to influence mankind, the Holy Bible, says that eternity and a life of living "forever" can be ours as a gift. John 3:16. In fact, at this point in our human experience, we can't live forever, or experience eternity unless we accept it as a gift from God. We can't earn it, deserve it, or work for it. We can only accept it as a free gift.

The next time we visit our friends in the hospital or attend a funeral, let us remember the truth about human existence and eternity. God has created us to live forever and enjoy his friendship and love. May our experience of living forever and eternity begin today as we get to know the personal God who is offering us a life without any end. John 17:3 .


Pr. Sal Garcia

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Peace ... One thing you can't live without!

The One Thing You Need to be Happy

Africa, The Domincan Republic, El Salvador, the Philippines, Baja California. I've visited each of those countries as a college student. What do they all have in common?  In each of those countries you find the same kind of people: People who are hurt and longing to experience God's forgiveness and peace. Hands down, I've met them in every one of those countries. Now a more important question: Have you experienced peace and God's forgiveness today? ... You can ... it's easy ... In fact, God is inviting you to experience His Love and Forgiveness today. Our greatest need in our life today is knowing that we have a mediator (intercessor) and that God provides us with Forgiveness and peace free of charge. God can graciously offer us peace because He has already made provision and paid the cost to grant us forgiveness as a free gift. There are a few landmines and obstacles that will keep you from receiving God's love, forgiveness, and peace today. Be on the prowl as you zero-in on God's gifts today.

The Greatest Obstacle to Experiencing God's Forgiveness and Peace

There are many obstacles and hindrances to experiencing God's forgiveness and peace. Your past, your present, or failure to forgive yourself for some wrong act you did in your life can all be great factors. In order to receive God's forgiveness and peace, you need to learn to forgive yourself for your past no matter how dark or tragic it might be. The saying is true after all, "God forgives those who can forgive themselves." While it may not be wise to try and forget your past, you do need to let go of your past, your perpetrators, antagonists, and the pain and hurt associated with this. By holding on to your past and living/reliving your pain each day you are inflicting emotional and sometimes even psychological trauma to your present life. Not forgiving your enemies who have harmed you in past, and holding on to the pain and hurt each new day, is like taking poison each new day in the hopes that it will cause your enemies pain. The sad truth is that only one who are hurting and inflicting pain and trauma is yourself. Let go of your past, learn to trust God to rearrange your present life and circumstances, and be willing to forgive your enemies without forgetting your past. In other words, learn to forgive, but do not forget! ... If you forgive and forget, you will find yourself in the same situation again all over. 

For people of faith and spirituality, there is a Giant that also lingers in the horizon of our forgiveness and peace. This nemesis is especially fond of tripping, knocking, and destroying those who come to believe and behave as though "They are good, okay, and fine, based on their behavior and external attainment." This is the trap known as legalism. It's a religion that says, "If I behave properly and follow the rules, why God has to give me eternal life. Why, He owed it to me." The sad truth is that Legalism has destroyed many a person of faith and spirituality by stealing the joy and peace that come from loving and following God "because He first loved us."

Martin Webber, author of and Who's Got the Truth?, writes: 

"Some of the most depressing, faith-destroying fallacies in the history of Christianity have infiltrated the Adventist Church through misunderstanding the sanctuary and the judgment. I remember as a child being threatened week after week in church and day after day in church school. The goal was good behavior, motivated by an incessant bombardment of guilt and fear: "Unless you become absolutely perfect in character, you cannot be saved when Jesus comes. Even now your name might have come up in judgment, and you might already be past the close of probation." Several classmates were convinced that their probation was past and they had committed the unpardonable sin. "What's the use even trying," they would lament. So they gave up hope and gave up God. More than 20 years later most of them are out of the church. Thanks to legalism. What a shame."

Our Only Hope is the Gospel of Christ

If Legalism is the great pretender that steals the joy and forgiveness out of a relationship with Christ, then the opposite must be true: Only A Religion of Grace and Gratitude can experience joy and forgiveness each day. After all, "Religion is Grace, and Ethics is Gratitude." Grace means that it is a gift that can not be earned or merited. It is a free gift without any strings attached. That is the kind of religion and spirituality that Christ invites us to have. Coming to Jesus just as we are with all of our sins and failings, and allowing Him to clean up our life. In fact, when we surrender our lives to him in faith and are baptized, Jesus places a sign on the door of our heart that says, "Transformation in progress. Do not disturb or impede." Transformation is in progress but perfection is completed. We are perfect in Christ the moment we believe and receive the free gift of salvation and eternal life. What is the free gift of eternal life? Jesus Christ is salvation and eternal life. Once we accept Jesus and enter into a life of faith and trust in Him, then we begin to live a life of gratitude for all that Jesus has done for us. We begin to observe the Law of Liberty, God's commandments. His commandments are not burdensome, but instead becomes God's fences for the free! God's commands do not restrict our liberty, but instead help us to live within the confines of what will truly make us happy, joyful, and full of peace. So how about it? Trade in the cheap counterfeit of legalism for a religion of Grace and Gratitude and see how little it will take for you to experience God's love, forgiveness, and peace. That is an offer, too good to pass up!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God's Special Power for Witnessing ... It's a Surprise!

Are you ready to filled with the Holy Spirit right now? Yes, right now! Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. Now. You can be. Why? Acts 1:8 reveals to us the amazing purpose of the Holy Spirit in the life of every Christian.

"But when the Holy Spirit comes to you, you will receive power. You will be my witnesses—in Jerusalem, in all of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world."

Wow! God's purpose for our life is to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can have power and success in witnessing and evangelism. I want to have power to witness for Christ. How about you? ...

There is nothing magical or mystical to being filled with the Holy Spirit. We just need to ask God to fill us each day, and then fill our minds with God's word, compassion, and love and be at the right places at the right time. God has people all around us. He just needs us to be ready so that when we "witness" we will do it in such a way that we will honor His name.

To help us become more effective witnesses for Jesus, let's look at three statements from Ellen G. White, a woman who was filled with the Holy Spirit, and whom God has used to help lead His Church to the Greater Light of God's Word.  Notice these three statements from her writings.

Christs method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with people as one who desired their good. He showed sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He invited them, “Follow Me. Ministry of Healing, page 73.

In the context of Medical Missionaries being Evangelists, she writes:

"The workers should go forth two by two, that they may pray and consult together. Never should they be sent out alone. The Lord Jesus Christ sent forth His disciples two and two into all the cities of Israel. He gave them the commission, “Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.” Evangelism, page 520.

Also, in the excellent chapter  Co-operation of Ministers and Laymen in the book Christian Service, Ellen White tells us where our ministry location is to be:

"Ministers should not do the work which belongs to the church, thus wearying themselves, and preventing others from performing their duty. They should teach the members how to labor in the church and in the community." page 69.


This week, as we continue to study our Sabbath School Lesson entitled "Evangelism and Witnessing as a Lifestyle" let us be encouraged to 1) Use Christ's Method Alone, 2) Go out in groups of two (If going alone, make sure to take the Holy Spirit with you!), and 3) to do your ministry of Love for God in the church and in the community. We will learn more together this week! May you be filled with the Holy Spirit as you minister and share what God has done for you this week!

~ Pastor Sal

Monday, April 23, 2012

Unforgetful Man ... Forgetful God

      We might as well accept it. This side of Heaven, our past will haunt us like old demons in the trail of a new home to make residence. Our past sometimes defines who we are, but not always. Change and Transformation are possible through a kindred Spirit and non-yielding and All Powerful Will. Not our, but His, God's. The reality of the world we live in is that past life, pictures, videos, movies, text messages, blogs, etc., will follow us for the rest of our lives. "Oh yeah, he's the guy that use to be in a gang" or "Oh yeah, she is the girl that was in a movie". 

Our actions are a loud megaphone that cry and announce to others our values and principles. Someone might truthfully say, "Oh, I use to be a porn star in my past life, but now I am not." This is the recent cry of a high school teacher in Oxnard, CA who recently got fired over her past lifestyle and decisions. Rest assured, she is no longer "in that line of business", yet her story clearly reveals that while our past is forgiven by man, it is not too often forgotten. "Hey, watch out for that guy. He use to steal even from his mother. Hide your wallets and purses!" Your life may be a 180 degree change in direction, but human nature never forgets. "Be careful! Watch out with that person! Who knows how deep and lasting his or her reform and transformation might be. Better to be safe than sorry!" 

Well, that is bad news; however, a story never should never end on a bad note. While mankind forgives but never forgets, thankfully there is One who indeed forgives and forgets, God! I'm so glad that God now only forgives but he forgets our past, our sins, our bad behavior, and selfish actions. Listen to these to power promises from the Scriptures:

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 
1 John 1:9

"You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."
Micah 7:19

What an Amazing God there is! I hope you caught the essence of those two promises. When we confess, God not only forgive us for the wrong we have done, but He willingly forgets all about our past mistakes and errors. In fact, Micah says he takes our sins, cast them into the depths of the seas, and then puts a sign that says, "NO FISHING ALLOWED". With God, you can't dig up your past. Because God has a memory bank that forgives and forgets all confessed sins. So how about it, if you are still caring around the troubles of your past with you, and are in need of Peace for your soul, why not go to the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ, and confess your sins to Him and allow his peace to flood your life like a river? 

~ Pastor Sal Garcia

Friday, January 13, 2012

What Must I do to be Saved?

One of the greatest dilemmas in the life of every Christian and Christ follower is possessing  the answer to the question, "What must I do to be saved?" It is a straight forward question, but the answer sometimes becomes muddy, unclear, or entangled. The main reason why Christian's struggle with having an affirmative, positive and Biblical answer to this all important question is because of the desire for human involvement. It's a simple question, but sometimes becomes more complicated that we suppose. The human psyche and personality desires to have a part to play in the process of salvation. It's part of humanities fallen and sinful nature to suppose that if one behaves, acts, and follows morality and goodness, then God owes us eternal life. It's what we would call a give and take approach. "If I behave right, then God owes me eternal life. However, if I behave bad, then I forfeit eternal life." As we will discover, this is what the Bible and Bible students refer to as "self-righteousness" or "righteousness by works." It's mankind endeavoring to earn heaven by their merits and works no matter how sincere their confession might be, or how transparent their aspirations might appear. Notice the following questions: "What must I do to be saved?" What is the humanity's part in the great plan of salvation? Are we saved by faith, by works, or by both? These are all important questions that will determine and affect our Christian life and experience. We dare not fail in obtaining the Biblical response to these all important question. To do so would be to imperil our joy, peace, and happiness on this earth as we seek to follow Christ, but also to forfeit eternal life with Our Lord, Savior, and Best Friend Jesus Christ. Let's begin our study!

Confession of Faith

We believe in inspiration, both from Biblical and non-biblical writers, both from Canonical and non-canonical prophets.We believe God still speaks today. We believe that one of God's revelations, beside nature and  human relationships, is the Holy Bible. In it, we find the answers to life's most important questions. Let's read Acts 16:16-32 to discover God's answer to the question, "What must I do to be saved?"

Bible Text (CEV):

16 One day on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl. She had a spirit in her that gave her the power to tell the future. By doing this she made a lot of money for her owners. 17The girl followed Paul and the rest of us and kept yelling, "These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how to be saved."
    18This went on for several days. Finally, Paul got so upset that he turned and said to the spirit, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to leave this girl alone!" At once the evil spirit left her.
    19When the girl's owners realized that they had lost all chances for making more money, they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them into court. 20They told the officials, "These Jews are upsetting our city! 21They are telling us to do things we Romans are not allowed to do."
    22The crowd joined in the attack on Paul and Silas. Then the officials tore the clothes off the two men and ordered them to be beaten with a whip. 23After they had been badly beaten, they were put in jail, and the jailer was told to guard them carefully. 24The jailer did as he was told. He put them deep inside the jail and chained their feet to heavy blocks of wood.
    25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.
    27When the jailer woke up and saw that the doors were open, he thought that the prisoners had escaped. He pulled out his sword and was about to kill himself. 28But Paul shouted, "Don't harm yourself! No one has escaped."
    29The jailer asked for a torch and went into the jail. He was shaking all over as he knelt down in front of Paul and Silas. 30After he had led them out of the jail, he asked, "What must I do to be saved?"
    31They replied, "Have faith in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved! This is also true for everyone who lives in your home."
    32Then Paul and Silas told him and everyone else in his house about the Lord. 33While it was still night, the jailer took them to a place where he could wash their cuts and bruises. Then he and everyone in his home were baptized. 34They were very glad that they had put their faith in God. After this, the jailer took Paul and Silas to his home and gave them something to eat. 

Unpacking the Text

Here in Acts we find a unique situation that sheds light and understanding on our all important question. While there are other details to this story that we could focus on, for the purpose of this short study, let us focus on the response of the Apostle Paul to the interrogation made by the Phillipian jailer. "What must I do to be saved?" The jailer was asking a question that includes many other questions like, "How can my sins be forgiven? How can I have peace with God today? What do I have to do in order to be rescued from sin, separation, and destruction? Paul's answer is most intriguing. "Have faith in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved! This is also true for everyone who lives in your home." Like Nicodemus, the hidden disciple of Jesus, you did not at first understand the words and teaching of Jesus during his night meeting with the Master, the human ego and heart is left unsatisfied at the simple yet straight answer that the Holy Spirit gives: "Have faith" or as other Bible versions render this verse, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household. (NASB) Faith is the key to Heaven. In order to be saved from sin and death, a person must believe and have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. Belief (pistis in Greek) implies trust, confidence, and saving faith. We must believe in Jesus Christ as a complete and All-Sufficient Savior. One who is able to save from the Gutter-most to the Uttermost those who come to Him by faith (Hebrews 7:23). There is no one that Jesus can not save, and save freely and completely. His Grace is sufficient for every person living on planet earth. Sufficient for the likes of you and I. And that is great news for poor sinners like us. 

What is Faith?

What is faith? What is saving faith in Jesus? What part does mankind play in the process of salvation? An active or passive role? Do my works and obedience help earn my way to Heaven? Or is Salvation completely of Grace? These are very important questions that deserve honest and biblical answers, no matter what popular churches or preachers may believe or what we may have been taught from childhood. If we are wrong on this subject, we are wrong on every subject. You see, Jesus is either Lord of All, or He is not Lord at All. Let me ask you a simple question: "Do you think there will be two groups in Heaven when Jesus comes back to take His earthly children home? One group that will be saved by faith in Jesus, and the other group by faith plus works?" No there will not.  The bible is clear in stating that there will only be one group of people of Heaven, and it is those who have been saved by grace through faith. Notice what Ephesians 2:8-9 says: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."(NASB) We are saved by faith. Period. That is the great Bible teaching called "Righteousness by Faith" meaning that we are saved and made rigtheous in the sight of a Holy God by faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The opposite is Righteousness by Works, which means trying to earn salvation and eternal life by human works and merits instead of by faith. So what is faith? Let's ask the Apostle John.
In the Gospel of John for example, the word belief or faith (Pistis in Greek) plays a central role. It is found over 50 times, and it is impossible to understand the Gospel of John without understanding the important place and meaning that John, given to the word pistis, faith/belief in his Gospel. From a cursory reading of the Gospel of John, one discovers that faith is not mere intellectual assent, like believing the president of the United States is Barack Obama. No, faith according to John is saving faith. It is active in that it compels and moves the possessor of faith to love, serve, and act as a response to God's saving grace. According to John, faith is not passive but active. Faith is demonstrated through works of love, obedience, and kindess, yet never do these works merit nor earn salvation. They are the fruits of salvation, and never the root. Someone who has pistis is Barack Obama as president of the Unites States would seek to have a daily relationship with the president, and would have assurance of safety and protection as a result of that relationship and friendship with the president of the United States. 
So, "What must I do to be saved?" Believe in Jesus. Have faith and trust in Him as my Savior. Believe that He is Lord of All, and that at Calvary He payed the complete price of my salvation. The price of my salvation has been paid in full. It was bought and purchased with the crimson blood of Prince Emmanuel. Now, He graciously offers me the gift of eternal life if I will have faith in Him as my All Sufficient Savior. Will you have faith in Jesus today? Will I? ... When we do accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, we are compelled to want to do for Him out of love, works of faith, love and obedience. Yet our works of faith, love, and obedience, never add one single iota (comma) to Jesus' complete work of salvation for us. We love him because He first loved us. 

Challenge for today

If we are saved by faith alone, and not by works, then we must believe in the simplicity of the Gospel and not complicate and adulterate the Gospel by adding other things to it. We cannot add dress reform, health reform, or any other kind of reform as being on the same level as the Everlasting Gospel. These are not a part of the Gospel, but a result of the Gospel. The Gospel is heart and mind transformation, and other changes will also follow. However, let us keep the Gospel unadulterated and pure.

Secondly, since we are saved by faith alone in Christ alone, let us have joy, peace, happiness, and assurance of salvation. Let us walk about our day today with a smile on our face, and a song of joy in our heart. Why not? Jesus has saved us completely and freely.

Thirdly, since Jesus gave His life in order to save us, let us live a life of obedience, faith, and love, practicing good works out of love for what Jesus has already done for us. Let us help those who are destitute, feed the hungry, and evangelize those who are without hope and without a knowledge and relationship with Our Savior.

~ Maranatha! 

Pastor Sal Garcia

Challenge for today

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