Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Best Resolution for the New Year

Desideratum. A word. A noun. A singular meaning, and your best resolution for the New Year. Desideratum comes from Latin and means "greatest desire" and "something that is needed or desired" and "something desired as essential". What is your desideratum for the New Year? What would you like it be?

We know what God's Desideratum is, don't we? In Exodus 25:8, God told Moses, "And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them." It wasn't enough for God to live in Heaven and to communicate to his people through messengers and prophets, so God decided to live among his earthly children. That's God's Desideratum. In fact, the God of the Universe is so desperate and relentless to have a loving relationship with us, that He decided to come and "dwell among us" in human flesh. Emmanuel, "God with Us". God coming to abide with us and to live closer to us than we could ever imagine. God's Desideratum, His greatest desire. 

God's greatest desire has always been to live closer to his earthly children. The earthly Jewish Sanctuary and the Incarnation of Christ (from the Latin "In and Carnis" meaning "In-fleshment" or "in the flesh"), proclaim to us boldly today that we are one of God's earthly children, and that He desires to live closer to us in the New Year. That has been and is God's Desideratum, His greatest desire.

What about our desideratum? What is our greatest desire for the New Year? If 2 Corinthians 5:14, "For the love of Christ compels us," and Romans 2:4, "the goodness of God leads you to repentance," are true, then why not choose to correspond God's Desideratum with our very own: To Love the God that already Loves us and has Chosen us in His Dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us send the love that God has so generously lavished on us back to Him in 2015. After all, that is all we can do, because "we love Him, because He first loved us." As we get to know God more each day in 2015, we will love the people in our families, neighborhoods, jobs, and churches more than ever before. As we seek and pray for a tsunami of love to this world in 2015 brought about by the Holy Spirit working in and through us, God will bring about a marvelous change in our lives.

This New Year, let's resolve to have just one Resolution. Let's resolve to make our desideratum, "our heart's greatest desire", to love God more each day of the New Year. If we do, then 2015 may in fact be the best year of our life."

~ Pastor Sal Garcia

Thursday, December 18, 2014

One Song ... One Gospel... One Opportuninty

Just recently, I headed back to the track to resume my holiday running schedule. After thanksgiving, run twenty miles; after Christmas ten miles; after new years, another twenty miles. So far so good! I'm still on pace to hit twenty miles by December 25 if I run at least 2.5 miles every other day.

So this week, after dragging myself to the track in spite of the cold weather and rain, I just wanted to get back to running. I'm no longer a sports car when it comes to running I have to admit. I'm more like a sedan. After all, when you are in your teens, you are a racing sports car. When you are in your twenties, you are a coupe with lots or torque. When you are in your thirties, you become like a family car or sedan. You still look decent, but not as fast as in your twenties and teens. When you are in your forties, you become more like a mini-van. You can get to places but don't impress to much with your speed or power. In your fifties and beyond, you are a classic car. In other words, drive with much caution!

I have to stretch before and after I run. Otherwise, I won't be able to walk the next day or will feel too sore the next day. So there I am stretching, taking my time, minding my own business. "One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, etc." Then I heard it. Across the street in the parking lot I heard what appeared to be a song I had  heard only once before in my entire life. I have to admit it is a unique and catchy song. While mentoring a young boy whose parents where going to court a few years back, he told me: "My grandma is a Christian like you. Her favorite song is "Song of the Spirit"." I looked it up! It wasn't my style per say, but I said, "Thanks for sharing that with me."

The security guard across the street was listening to his i-pod, and i guess I must have been closer than I thought I was because I could hear the song from where I was. God spoke. I just listened. I could hear the Holy Spirit impressing me with the thought, "Go over and witness to that young man. He needs to know that I care about him." Excuses immediately, sprung up in my mind. "Let me run first Lord, and if he is still there when I get back, I'll do it."

I finished my run. He was still there. I opened my car, and got a GLOW track that said, "Bible studies every Wednesday at 7:30pm" with my phone number. Then I reached and picked up the book Great Controversy. I said, "Okay Lord. I'll do it."

I walked across the street and said, "Hi, I couldn't help but overhear one of the songs you were listening earlier. Was it "Song of the Spirit?"

He answered, "Yes it was."

"Are you a believer? Are you a Christian?" I asked.

"Yes I am. I work every day, and I go to church on the weekends." He replied.

After a a few more words, I offered him the tract and the book. He gladly accepted them.

In fact, he said "I'll start reading it right now."

My last words to him were, "Brother, in case I don't see you again. Read this book along with your Bible. It will deepen your relationship with Jesus."

We shook hands, and that was it. I don't know if I will ever see that young man again. However, I am glad to know that God can and does use us his imperfect and flawed earth children in any place and circumstance to encourage, guide, lead, and direct his other Heaven bound children to Himself. I'm just glad I was able to be a part of it that morning.

One song ... One Gospel ... One opportunity! Be ready to be used by God to encourage someone else today. If you will ask, He will use you!

~ S.A. Garcia

Friday, October 17, 2014

SALVATION 101: Is it Easier to be Saved or to be Lost?

Salvation 101. "What must I do be saved?"

Seeker 1: "Hey man! I need your help.
Seeker 2: "What up? What seems to be the problem?

Seeker 1: "I have a guilty conscience. I can't sleep at night. I don't have any peace in my life. I'm a big mess. I really need God in my life. Evolution, Atheism, and Secularism has not given me any hope or peace. I need to try God or something. Can you help me?
Seeker 2: "I can't help you. But I know someone who can.

Seeker 1: "Who?
Seeker 2: "Jesus Christ."

Seeker 1: "Where do I find him? How do I make an appointment with Him?
Seeker 2; "You can find Him any moment of the day. He is always available to receive you and to forgive you and give you eternal life. Go to Him.

Seeker 1: "Don't I need to do something first? What must I do to be forgiven and to receive eternal life?"
Seeker 2: "Believe in Jesus Christ, that He died as your Substitute and then accept Him as your Savior and Lord.

Seeker 1: "No really, what must I do? How much do I need to give? Give me something hands on and practical.
Seeker 2: "I already gave you the answer. You can't do anything to be forgiven and receive eternal life. All you can do is believe and receive it by faith like a free gift.

Seeker 1: "Don't I need to be good in order to be saved first?"
Seeker 2: "You don't need to be good in order to be saved; but you do need to be saved in order to be good. That comes after. First come to Jesus as you are.

Seeker 1: "I have a lot of problems man. I smoke, i drink, i live in adultery. I think I need to clean up my life then I will come. God helps those who help themselves, right?
Seeker 2: "Wrong. God does not help those who help themselves when it come to salvation and eternal life. GOD HELPS THOSE WHO CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES! Just go to Jesus. It's that simple. Really!

Seeker 1: "I'm still not convinced. It can't be that easy. If it was, everyone would accept Jesus and go to Heaven. There has to be a catch somewhere. It sounds to be good to be true!
Seeker 2: "Hey man, if you want to believe the Devil's lie and try to work your way to Heaven, be my guest. But like every other poor soul before you who has walked down the path of righteousness by works, you will end up defeated and discouraged. You can't do it on your own. Try God's way instead. The Way of the Cross. The path of faith.

Seeker 1: "So you are saying I don't need to any good work in order to be saved from my sins? How about after I come to Jesus? I'm sure after I come to Jesus, God is going to be expecting me to live like a saint. I'm sure God is going to be judging me based on my performance and obedience after I come to Jesus, right?
Seeker 2: "Wrong again. The Bible says, nothing you ever do now or in the future will merit God's forgiveness or Eternal life. Your works are never the root of salvation. They are always the fruit of Salvation. Just go to Jesus and receive Him as your Savior, Lord, and friend!

Seeker 1: "You almost convince me. But I still think it is too good to be true. Most religions have a path you must take in order to be saved. Buddhism has the 8 fold path, Judaism has the Law, Islam has Submission. How about Christianity? Don't I have to do something first in order to be saved?
Seeker 2: "No you don't. When Jesus died, it was God dying on the Cross for your sins and in your place. If you believe in Him as Your Substitute and Surety, then God sees you as He sees Jesus. 

Seeker 1: "You mean even with all my sins and messed up life, if I come to Jesus I will be forgiven? God won't see my sinful life, but instead the perfect life of Jesus?
Seeker 2: "Exactly! If you come in repentance to Jesus, God no longer sees your sinful life (past and present). Instead, He sees the perfect and spotless life of Jesus.

Seeker 1: "Well I guess I'm all in. I can't pass up an offer that Good. I guess it's worth giving up my sins in order to receive God's forgiveness and peace. I really need that.
Seeker 2: "Never forget: All that God requires of you for time and Eternity, has already been accomplished by Jesus Christ. When you are in Christ, God sees you as Perfect, Righteous, and sinless as Jesus! Just Go to Jesus and Stay with Him every moment of the day. If you fall away. Get back up and go to Him again. He loves you and will never let you Go!

Seeker 1: "Can you pray with me so that I can accept Jesus right now?
Seeker 2: "Yes. I will lead you in the sinner's prayer. Just repeat it after me."

"Dear Jesus,

I am a sinner. I can not save myself. Thank you for dying in my place and for my sins. I accept you as my Savior and Lord. Please come into my heart and into my life today. Amen."

~ Written and Adapted by Pr. Salvador Garcia

Monday, September 29, 2014

Run to Jesus: Don't Stop at Any Time

I love running, thanks to Coach Bob Paulson at Pacific Union College. Some days, I don't have someone to play flag football, or soccer, or basketball, or baseball with. No problem. I just lace up my running shoes and hit the track. I am forever indebted to Coach Paulson and the Pacific Union College Cross Country Team for instilling in me a passion for running.

I love running. Running with friends, or running on my own. Running in the blazing heat, or running in the torrential downpour of rain. I even once ran in the snow. LOL! Running may not be for everybody though, but if you have good knees and a decent back, put in a few miles a week, and you will see great benefits in your life.

If you run, or have run before, you know that with conditioning comes resistance. Run for 5 minutes today, and tomorrow for 10. The more you do it, the better and faster you become at it. The trick is not to stop for any reason, but to keep your stride as long as you can. 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or more if you can. I don't run with music, I just enjoy the scenery and pray as I run. So you will find it as no surprise to discover that a street sign posted on the side of a running course caught my attention today: "Tow Away. No Stopping at Any Time". No Stopping Any Time? What about a water break, or a bathroom break, or an emergency stop? I knew that sign was placed there to discourage drivers from parking their cars in the area that is meant for walking or running, but how appropriate for us this week who are beginning another week of hustle and bustle, of grinding and fighting, of surviving and thriving. I got the message.

This is a new week full of unlimited possibilities. The sky is the limit. God is with us both on the mountain tops and in the valleys. He is both God when we are above and when we are below. He is with us both when everything is going great and our spiritual life is burning with God's fire, and also when we are at rock-bottom and sense that our spiritual life has crashed and burned out. How appropriate: "Tow Away. No Stopping at Any Time". As for drivers who are tempted to stop and park where they shouldn't, so for Christians who are on the road called life. We are headed home to Heaven. We are homeward bound. It is tempting sometimes, to stop and enjoy the pleasures of this world. The entertainment, the food, the music. Yet, let us not be deceived. We are fellow travelers who need to keep running and moving every day. We can't stop. "Tow Away. No Stopping at Any Time". We may slow down because of age or health or responsibilities, but we must not stop. Keep doing good, keep giving God glory by loving Him and your neighbors more each day. Even if you have to do it slower, keep doing it in the name of Jesus. Don't stop. If you do, there is the risk of being towed away by the driver of this world (Satan), who is happy at towing those who are standing or sitting, into a dark vortex from which it is difficult to escape. But don't despair. If you have slowed down or been towed by that Dark Fallen Angel, there is one called Jesus the Christ who can, in the words of Martin Luther's famous hymn, "fell him with just one word." There is hope. There is a rescue plan in place by God to save those who have stopped living a God life.

So what are you waiting for? Get moving. If you can't run yet, walk. Walk to Jesus. Move quickly. If you do, you will soon discover that you are running towards Him and your heart will beat faster, healthier, and happier every day. Soon you will run into His arms, and Together You will help to make your world a better place to live in.


Pastor Sal Garcia

Saturday, September 13, 2014

God opens prison gates and parking gates too

I was scavenging for enough change to complete the $6.00 parking fee at the hospital stay while visiting a sick patient who solicited prayer for healing and strength. I was leaving the hospital having just witnessed God heal this dear brother from a life threatening condition. Praise God! Lightning sometimes strikes once, almost never twice. Right? ...

As I came up to try and pay the parking fee, the man in the parallel lane was fighting with the parking validation machine. He used some explicit language which is not worth repeating. I drove up the the parking meter directly next to it to pay my $6.00 when all of a sudden the gate just opened. I blinked twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The gate stayed open in time for me to drive out, and just as soon as I did, it closed again.

I had heard of God opening prison doors and doors of opportunity for others, but never a parking gate for His children. I know, some of you may be saying. Pastor, you didn't pay for the service you received. Trust me, I made sure someone else also received the the same blessing I had. On the way home, I came to a stop light and saw a man without a hand who was offering to clean car windows. I put out my hand and said, "God bless you sir." He smiled and said, "Thank you, you don't know how much I needed this money!" ... I told him, "You don't now how much I need to give you this money", for greater is the blessing in giving that in receiving.

So I guess, we can faithfully and confidently change the Words to the Gospel song, "I Got a River of Life" to the following.

Instead of:

I got a river of life flowing out of me,
Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see,
Opens prison gates sets the captives free,
I got a river of life flowing out of me.

Let us sing:

I got a river of life flowing out of me,
Gives miracles and blessings to share with others indeed, 
Opens Parking Gates and the Hungry Feeds,
I got a river of life flowing out of me.


Remember, God is not limited by time, space, or natural laws. If he needs to reach us, even by making a parking-gate open accidently, He will. God uses any means to convince us that He exists and will do "Exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or imagine!"

God still answers prayers for the sick

I have to be honest. I believe in miracles, but I don't witness them first-hand too often. When I pray for miracles, it is usually for others instead of for myself. Sometimes,  God who has a great sense of humor, will allow me to experience one, sometimes two miracles back to back. It's his way of reminding me that I need to stay on my knees and stay humble.

Recently, I spent an entire night visiting a church member and friend who went to Urgent Care Center and was told to go "Quickly to the ER. This is serious. Go now!" By the time I arrived, he was already in the ER and had undergone blood tests, a CT Scan, and other tests to determine what his sickness was. I prayed with him and told him, "Your church and family is praying for you. Here is the promise we are claiming for you tonight: "So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you." Exodus 23:25

We prayed for his sickness to be removed by God if that was His will. Otherwise, for God to give him strength and trust to know that "in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28). Ten hours later, the doctors at the ER said to him, "Sir, all tests and exams are negative. You are not sick. You appear to be healthy. You might just have a virus. That's all. You are not in danger. You may leave the hospital. You are ok!" ... 

Praise God for answers to prayers. As Mark Batterson says in the Circle Maker, "Bold prayers honor God. God honors bold prayers." This dear brother was getting ready to go into surgery, but instead he will be giving a powerful testimony at his church and workplace about the mercy of God in healing him.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Final Events of Bible Prophecy / Eventos Finales de la Profecia

Bible Prophecy. Just about everyone is interested these days in knowing what lies ahead in the future. Hollywood does. Think of all of the blockbusters that have hit the big screen in the last decade: Armageddon, Independence Day, 2012, etc. People are interested in knowing what the Bible has to say about the End of the World. There are answers if we look in the right place. The Bible gives us the right answers. And starting on Friday June 6 at 7:30pm and every Friday, join me in studying the the Prophecies of the Bible that deal with the Final Events. You won't be disappionted! Tonight's topic is the "The Final Crisis on Planet Earth" from Daniel 12.

Profecia Biblica. Casi todos estan interessados estos dias en conocer que nos espera en el futuro. En Mundo de Hollywood dice saber. Piensa en todas las peliculas que han llegado a la pantalla grande en le ultima decada: Armagedon, Dia de Independecia, y 2012. La gente hoy dia estan interesados en saber lo que la Biblia dice acerca del fin del mundo. Existen respuestas si buscamos en el lugar corecto. La Biblia nos da las respuestas corectas. Empezando el viernes 6 de junio a las 7:30 de la tarde y cada viernes, acompananos en estudiar las profecias de la Biblia que tratan con los eventos finales. No seras decepciónado. El topico de esta noche es 'La ultima crisis en la tierra" de Daniel 12.

~ Pastor Salvador Garcia 

While Daniel Garcia was on the pitch, He dominated Lighthouse Christian Academy

Reigning Omega League MVP, Daniel Garcia (MF #11), dominated, destroyed, and nearly obliterated Lighthouse Christian School. Leonel Messi...