I love running, thanks to Coach Bob Paulson at Pacific Union College. Some days, I don't have someone to play flag football, or soccer, or basketball, or baseball with. No problem. I just lace up my running shoes and hit the track. I am forever indebted to Coach Paulson and the Pacific Union College Cross Country Team for instilling in me a passion for running.
I love running. Running with friends, or running on my own. Running in the blazing heat, or running in the torrential downpour of rain. I even once ran in the snow. LOL! Running may not be for everybody though, but if you have good knees and a decent back, put in a few miles a week, and you will see great benefits in your life.
If you run, or have run before, you know that with conditioning comes resistance. Run for 5 minutes today, and tomorrow for 10. The more you do it, the better and faster you become at it. The trick is not to stop for any reason, but to keep your stride as long as you can. 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or more if you can. I don't run with music, I just enjoy the scenery and pray as I run. So you will find it as no surprise to discover that a street sign posted on the side of a running course caught my attention today: "Tow Away. No Stopping at Any Time". No Stopping Any Time? What about a water break, or a bathroom break, or an emergency stop? I knew that sign was placed there to discourage drivers from parking their cars in the area that is meant for walking or running, but how appropriate for us this week who are beginning another week of hustle and bustle, of grinding and fighting, of surviving and thriving. I got the message.

So what are you waiting for? Get moving. If you can't run yet, walk. Walk to Jesus. Move quickly. If you do, you will soon discover that you are running towards Him and your heart will beat faster, healthier, and happier every day. Soon you will run into His arms, and Together You will help to make your world a better place to live in.
Pastor Sal Garcia