Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Best Resolution for the New Year

Desideratum. A word. A noun. A singular meaning, and your best resolution for the New Year. Desideratum comes from Latin and means "greatest desire" and "something that is needed or desired" and "something desired as essential". What is your desideratum for the New Year? What would you like it be?

We know what God's Desideratum is, don't we? In Exodus 25:8, God told Moses, "And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them." It wasn't enough for God to live in Heaven and to communicate to his people through messengers and prophets, so God decided to live among his earthly children. That's God's Desideratum. In fact, the God of the Universe is so desperate and relentless to have a loving relationship with us, that He decided to come and "dwell among us" in human flesh. Emmanuel, "God with Us". God coming to abide with us and to live closer to us than we could ever imagine. God's Desideratum, His greatest desire. 

God's greatest desire has always been to live closer to his earthly children. The earthly Jewish Sanctuary and the Incarnation of Christ (from the Latin "In and Carnis" meaning "In-fleshment" or "in the flesh"), proclaim to us boldly today that we are one of God's earthly children, and that He desires to live closer to us in the New Year. That has been and is God's Desideratum, His greatest desire.

What about our desideratum? What is our greatest desire for the New Year? If 2 Corinthians 5:14, "For the love of Christ compels us," and Romans 2:4, "the goodness of God leads you to repentance," are true, then why not choose to correspond God's Desideratum with our very own: To Love the God that already Loves us and has Chosen us in His Dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us send the love that God has so generously lavished on us back to Him in 2015. After all, that is all we can do, because "we love Him, because He first loved us." As we get to know God more each day in 2015, we will love the people in our families, neighborhoods, jobs, and churches more than ever before. As we seek and pray for a tsunami of love to this world in 2015 brought about by the Holy Spirit working in and through us, God will bring about a marvelous change in our lives.

This New Year, let's resolve to have just one Resolution. Let's resolve to make our desideratum, "our heart's greatest desire", to love God more each day of the New Year. If we do, then 2015 may in fact be the best year of our life."

~ Pastor Sal Garcia

Thursday, December 18, 2014

One Song ... One Gospel... One Opportuninty

Just recently, I headed back to the track to resume my holiday running schedule. After thanksgiving, run twenty miles; after Christmas ten miles; after new years, another twenty miles. So far so good! I'm still on pace to hit twenty miles by December 25 if I run at least 2.5 miles every other day.

So this week, after dragging myself to the track in spite of the cold weather and rain, I just wanted to get back to running. I'm no longer a sports car when it comes to running I have to admit. I'm more like a sedan. After all, when you are in your teens, you are a racing sports car. When you are in your twenties, you are a coupe with lots or torque. When you are in your thirties, you become like a family car or sedan. You still look decent, but not as fast as in your twenties and teens. When you are in your forties, you become more like a mini-van. You can get to places but don't impress to much with your speed or power. In your fifties and beyond, you are a classic car. In other words, drive with much caution!

I have to stretch before and after I run. Otherwise, I won't be able to walk the next day or will feel too sore the next day. So there I am stretching, taking my time, minding my own business. "One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, etc." Then I heard it. Across the street in the parking lot I heard what appeared to be a song I had  heard only once before in my entire life. I have to admit it is a unique and catchy song. While mentoring a young boy whose parents where going to court a few years back, he told me: "My grandma is a Christian like you. Her favorite song is "Song of the Spirit"." I looked it up! It wasn't my style per say, but I said, "Thanks for sharing that with me."

The security guard across the street was listening to his i-pod, and i guess I must have been closer than I thought I was because I could hear the song from where I was. God spoke. I just listened. I could hear the Holy Spirit impressing me with the thought, "Go over and witness to that young man. He needs to know that I care about him." Excuses immediately, sprung up in my mind. "Let me run first Lord, and if he is still there when I get back, I'll do it."

I finished my run. He was still there. I opened my car, and got a GLOW track that said, "Bible studies every Wednesday at 7:30pm" with my phone number. Then I reached and picked up the book Great Controversy. I said, "Okay Lord. I'll do it."

I walked across the street and said, "Hi, I couldn't help but overhear one of the songs you were listening earlier. Was it "Song of the Spirit?"

He answered, "Yes it was."

"Are you a believer? Are you a Christian?" I asked.

"Yes I am. I work every day, and I go to church on the weekends." He replied.

After a a few more words, I offered him the tract and the book. He gladly accepted them.

In fact, he said "I'll start reading it right now."

My last words to him were, "Brother, in case I don't see you again. Read this book along with your Bible. It will deepen your relationship with Jesus."

We shook hands, and that was it. I don't know if I will ever see that young man again. However, I am glad to know that God can and does use us his imperfect and flawed earth children in any place and circumstance to encourage, guide, lead, and direct his other Heaven bound children to Himself. I'm just glad I was able to be a part of it that morning.

One song ... One Gospel ... One opportunity! Be ready to be used by God to encourage someone else today. If you will ask, He will use you!

~ S.A. Garcia

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