Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sociedad de Jovenes Weekly Encouragement Letter

 "Look Unto Jesus"

Dear Sociedad de Jovenes Youth Leader,

            I am glad God has called you to be a partner in youth ministry with me. I pray for you that during these 40 day journey through Prayer and Bible study, you will catch God’s vision for your life and for every youth in our local church. Below you will find some ideas and thoughts that the Lord has given me to help us “transform” sociedad de jovenes from just a program, to a ministry. Thank you for taking the time to read this. May God bless you greatly this new week!

I.     New Youth Music Minister and Pianist

I just contacted Abraham Soto, our new youth pianist. Apparently, he did not go to Montemorelos yet, so I have invited him to be the Sociedad de Jovenes Official Youth Pianist from now on. We are going to help him with a love offering each month, and he will come every Friday night to practice (or Saturdays 1 hour before sociedad de jovenes), and every regular Sociedad de Jovenes Sabbath to play the piano. Yesterday was a friendly reminder that we need to practice and prepare the song service a week in advance, and we would like to sing youth songs, praise songs, and contemporary songs, even some in English. I am asking Yanet Santamaria and Carlos Linares to help us. I really believe that if we have a strong music and song service, we can attract the youth that are just walking around outside the church because they find the corritos and songs we sing very boring (sorry to speak the truth). Our goal is to reach the jovenes.So here is the plan guys:

II. New Idea for Sociedad de Jovenes

1. Close the balcony every Sociedad de Jovenes Program (regular, meaning non-campana, or other non-regular sociedad de jovenes Sabbath, like ministerio de damas, ministerio de oracion), although maybe we need to do it every Saturday. People sit away from each other, and church is meant to help us experience fellowship and community, but some people just want to come to church and sit in the back or balcony and not be bothered. But remember, it is our church and program, so if they come, they have do adapt to our rules, friendly rules, to help them experience fellowship and community in church.

II. Special Weekly Segment

We need to have a "special" segment that defines sociedad de jovenes. We must pick one and start next week. Something what will cause people's ears to itch so that they will want to come to sociedad de jovenes. Here are two possible ideas:

a) Have three different families (father, mothers, children. ages 10 and up) participate in memorizing the 7 different verses of the adult matutina (Plenitud en Cristo" by Alejadro Bullon). then at the beginning of Sociedad de Jovenes, we have all three families come up the platform, and we ask them to recite the seven verses, or we ask one person to recite them all (7!). We can have three judges: Pastor Oscar, Myself, and Lillian Ortiz, Rebekkah diaz (or two women leaders who know the Bible). They will be our judges. When all three families go, then the judges will choose a winner (the family that did it best), and give them a prize. a home gift, gift certificate for the family, etc. That is sure to be a great one.

b. Every Saturday morning, we have like an air machine during the announcements (like the lottery numbers machine), where we choose a verse for the day, of several hard verses that people generally don't understand, have read, or some that we need to understand better. We can call it "Decifrando la Biblia" con el Pastor Salvador Garcia or something like that. We choose the verse, read it during the announcements or right before the sermon, and we invite people to come at the time we are supposed to start. if 5pm then we start at 5pm if there is 1 person, 5, or 50. Remember, our goal is to have 300 youth there. Yesterday, we had like 5 only. Where are the rest? Let's pray for them. Then suppose we choose the verse, John 15:1: I am the vine, you are branches ...". We would have a picture on powerpoint of a vine with branches, also have live plant in the front of the church, then read the text and go word by word until we understand what the verse "really Means". I think people would like this one too! WE can start next week too!

c) We can have a family spotlight each week. I will personally go to a different family each week, and visit them, get pictures from them (I'll scan them there at their house on my printer and laptop), and then on Saturday morning, we give a little snippit of the mini-report. No more that 20 seconds. Then in the afternoon, we present a 3 minute little report through pictures on who the family is, where they come from, what they do for a living, where they go to school, or something like that. We can even ask that family to participate with the prayer, juego biblico, y oracion.

III. 300: An Army of Youth ... Our Dream and our T-shirts!

Remember that crazy guy "Gustavo" that told us last year we could not reach 100 jovenes for Jesus? I know he was wrong, and he spoke the "devil's words" to discourage us. The question is, "Do we really believe we can reach 100 youth who are active in church and serving Jesus?" I do! ... Since January, we have lost the vision of the "300: An army of youth." So, let's start it up again. Next week, let's all bring our t-shirts to church and wear them in the afternoon for the sociedad de jovenes concert. Are you ready to relive the passion and dream God has given us? During these 40 days of Devotions, we can really see God blessing and changing our lives and he wants to do the same with the youth!

IV. We need to attract youth More

I have realized that adults come to church on saturday afternoon, because they know then can't stay at home and watch tv and just sleep because it would be a "sin." So they come to Sociedad de jovenes, even if it is boring. Not so with youth. They want something that is dynamic, fun, entertianing, and yet instructional, information. They want to leave sociead de jovenes saying, "Hey, that was fun, and I learned something to day! I bet if I come back next week, I can learn some more!" ... That's what we want guys. Let's not just try to please the adults by singing coritos and himnos (Sorry to say it so bluntly). Let's sing songs that jovenes like to sing (even in English) and let's speak in English if we have too because that is their language. You know it is true! Don't believe anyone that says that 2nd and 3rd Generation hispanics can be reached without speaking in their language. If they speak English, guess what? Then speak to them in English? We'll talk more about this later. Honestly, let's try and think outside the box, but first, let's pray, and the youth there first.

V. Drastic results demand a drastic commitment on our behalf

I think all of our youth leaders, beginning with the youth pastor, then the youth elders, youth directors, youth sub-directors, youth secretaries, need to realize that God is asking us for a greater commitment than we perhaps have had up until now. Youth ministry is not just part time or just when we feel like it. It's a 24/7 life commitment. I want us to be committed to praying, preparing, planning, and presenting awesome programs that will transform the life of the youth. We are moving there ... and By God's grace we are going to get there this year. We have 10 month left this year 11'. If we haven't done it yet, let's fall on our knees and ask God to give us a heart and a passion for youth that are literally going to hell because they don't know Jesus as Savior, Lord, and Friend. They are lost in drugs, sex, gangs, movies, television, internet, pornography,music, friends, and yet they come to church, but nothing happens in their life week after week. God is working to reach them every second of their life, and he is asking us to be his hands and feet and mouth to minister to these youth. To call them, visit them, and just be their friend and mentor. We can do this guys, with a greater commitment to God, and to aim for excellence in all that we do. Nothing more, nothing less.

VI. More Games and Dinamics to get the jovenes there

I've noticed that when we use things like Bible Jeopardy, who wants to be a millionaire or others, we have great participation, and people enjoy it and learn. The youth are are there, and they participate. We need more of this. From time to time, we can have a concert, a talent show, and a guest speaker to preach on an important topic for youth or the church, but we need to have an order of program that is not set in stone, but that guides us to getting the youth there and up on stage saying or doing something.

So here is a suggested, notice the word suggested again, order of service for Sociedad de Jovenes.

VII. Suggested Order of Service (Not mandatory; be Creative)

1. Prayer time:
We spend the first 20 minutes of the service (meaning we start 20 minutes before the actual time. So if we announce it at 5pm, at 4:40p, we start to pray. We pray with anyone who is there: 1, 5, or 10 people).

2. Awesome song service with live music
(we have hired an official youth pianist, Abraham Soto), he will start next week if possible, with songs that are contemporary in spanish and one in English. Abraham will be there every Saturday 2 hours before to practice with the singers. We want them to practice for at least 30 minutes, so that they can sound really good. We need to do a better job in this area.

3. Welcome: Make it creative.

4. Prayer: Again, be creative. Have people write requests on pieces of paper, or sheets of paper on the walls, etc.

5. Ice Breaker, Bible Game, or Interaction activity: This is where we get the youth to come up and participate. Remember that part of what we are doing is not just presenting a program, we are training and preparing the youth to be leaders by participating. Ask some who are not in the directiva to help out with something. When it is your program, you don't have to do everything by yourslef.

6. Offering: Giving is an act of worship, so let's give people an opportunity to give back to God.

7. Tema/Surprise/Something of substance: Here is where you get creative. As we visit and call the youth each week, we will discover what they are struggling with, then choose a topic accordingly. Invite a guest speaker, show a video, have youth give a testimony on something related to the tema. Make it something of substance. when youth leave, help them to feel that it was worth their time and that it has helped them to be there.

8. Final Song: Let it be a happy song. It can even be our theme song for that day. Let's sing it and be glad.

9. Closing Prayer: Ask an elder, or youth leader, or a youth to come up and pray. It doesn't always have to be the pastor either. God listens to anyone with a sincere and honest heart.

10. Announcements:
Please let's have only the youth director, sub director, or secretary for that day's program have the announcements. Put them on powerpoint or on video. Or have the pastor do it. Don't have the pastor say something from the pulpit, and then someone add something from a cordless mike who is not the person making the announcement. Let's be organized and do a better job!

Those are some of my ideas so far, remember that we will meet this Friday at 7pm. I will be praying for you. Do continue to read the 40 day devotional and call your prayer partner. Blessings!

With Love,

Your Youth Pastor,

Sal Garcia

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