Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 6: You were created to be like Christ

Day 6

For some reason, I think many Seventh-day Adventists are afraid of the Roman Catholic Church and of Roman Catholic Jesuit priests. Maybe it’s because of the turbulent history during the dark ages, when the Roman Catholic Church killed between 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 people during the religious oppressive period known as the “Dark Ages.” Maybe it’s because the Seventh-day Adventist Church understands that Bible prophecy teaches that the same antichrist power of the Dark Ages will rule, reign, and persecute religious minorities again in the not to far distant future. I guess that is a cause to be afraid  of or at least cautious about. Therefore, Seventh-day Adventists are always on top of current events that involve the papacy and the pope. We know that Pope Benedict VI (Joseph Ratzinger) was previously the head of the Office of the Inquisition for the papacy! As one write puts it, “Rome never changes.” 

With that said, there are still many of God’s Children who are part of the Roman Catholic Church. I think of one writer named Henry Nouwen. He is a  priest who has written many books about becoming more like Jesus in his simplicity, compassion, and care. Another Catholic writer is Thomas a. Kempis, who is famous for writing, “The Imitation of Christ.” Whether you agree with the overall theology of the Roman Catholic Church, one this is certain. Like these two writers and others, we must become more like Jesus!

God’s purpose for our life

John Stott, the British Theologian, scholar, and pastor raises an important question in his book radical discipleship. He asks, “What is God’s purpose for my life?” He mentions how as a new Christian, he asked himself that question more than 65 year ago when he was sixteen or seventeen. He discovered then, that God’s will was that He should be saved.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

I think we can agree with the Bible and with John Stott that God’s purpose for our life is that we should be saved from a life of sin by accepting Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior. There is no question that God’s will is that every person be saved by entering into a faith relationship with Jesus Christ, but what is God’s will for our life after we are saved  by Jesus?

Many have tried to state in confessions or statements what God’s will for mankind is. Some have said, “To love God and to enjoy him forever” (Westminister Confession), while other have put it  in even fewer words: “Love God, Love neighbor”. What is God’s purpose and will for your life today? What is God’s purpose and will for your life today after you have accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord?

God’s Purpose and Will for Your Life

At 82 years old John Stott, reflecting on his life and journey in this world, arrives at the following purpose and will of God for each of our lives: To become more like Christ is the goal and purpose of God for His people. Christlikeness, that is the goal God is after in our life. God wants us to become more like Christ. How? With Christ's help and the Holy Spirit's help. Never forget that "With God, all things are possible," and "I can do all things in Christ, you gives me strength."

God's Predistination in Our Life

I would like to suggest to you today, that there are only two things that God has predestined in each of our lives. Predestine means that God has already chosen or willed something to be. However, you and I have a role and decision to make. We cooperate with God in fulfilling His will for our individual life.

The two things are (1) to be saved and live eternally with Him, and (2) to be conformed to image of His Son, or Christlikeness. Look at this final text.

“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” Romans 8:29

Wow! God not only wants to save us for eternity through living faith in Jesus Christ, but He also wants us to be conformed and become more like Jesus Christ every day of our life. God’s purpose and will for your life is for you to become more like Jesus Christ every day of your life. Amazing! More like Jesus in your talking, more like Jesus in your compassion, more like Jesus in your kindness, more like Jesus in your care of the disenfranchised, more like Jesus in you spiritual maturity and inward life. The good news is that God has given you the Holy Spirit to help you become more like Jesus every day. Why not bow your head right now and thank God for His purpose and will for your life, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you become more like Jesus each day as you study, meditate, and copy the life of Jesus Christ as contained in the Gospels? 

Practical Steps to Becoming More Like Christ

A first step is to turn "your giving on and your gawking off." What does that mean? Simple, if you want to become more like Jesus give more of your time, money, and talents to things that bring glory to God. Give more money to church, missionary projects, donate your time to organizations that help people, etc. Turn your gawking off. Turn your favorite soap opera or video game system off for a month, and go and do something for someone who doesn't know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The second step to becoming more like Christ is to contemplate Jesus more each day. Like Jesus who got up early each morning to speak to His Father, take the best part of your day to meditate and focus on Jesus life and teachings. Resolve to be more like Jesus in everything you do. Ask yourself the question each day WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? Then go and Do likewise!

The third step is to never forget your mission in life. Jesus never forgot his mission. It was "To seek and to save that which was lost." He is the world's Savior and Redeemer. We are the agents of publishing that Good News to the world. Our primary duty in life each day is encapsulated in the call to be fishers of men. "Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4). Our mission consists in being with Jesus and in following Him. Our mission is not just to make new disciples and to fish for men, but it also consists in spending time with Jesus, emulating Him, contemplating his every act and foot step, and then going out and living that way in the world!


Are you afraid? Are you anxious? Don't be! God has it all under control (Philippians 4:4-6; Ephesians 3:20).You can be more like Jesus today! In your talking, thinking, and doing. Step out in radical faith today, and allow God to transform you into the image of His Son!

~ Pastor Salvador Garcia

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